Mid and long-term results of the Supera® stent in femoropopliteal obstructive disease: a comprehensive analysis of the literature





Endovascular, implantomimetic stent, peripheral artery disease, femoropoliteal



The femoropopliteal biomechanical characteristics make the endovascular treatment of complex lesions particularly challenging. Despite several studies reporting longer patency of femoropopliteal stenting when compared to balloon angioplasty, long-term outcomes are still marginal due to the high rate of restenosis, stent fracture, and thrombosis. This study aims to review the current literature on the outcomes of the endovascular treatment of the femoropopliteal sector with the Supera® stent. MATERIALS AND METHODS

A search was carried on Pubmed database under the terms [“Supera” AND “femoropopliteal”]. Prospective and retrospective original studies were selected after title and abstract analysis.



Twelve studies were analyzed, comprising a total of 1358 limbs with femoropopliteal obstructive disease treated with the Supera® stent. The 12-month primary-patency rate (PPR) ranged from 72.6% to 94.1%, the 24-month PPR ranged from 60.8% to 83.1% and the 36-month PPR ranged from 69.5% to 76.7%. For high-complexity anatomies, including TASC C and D lesions, the 12-month PPR was >64%. There were no stent fractures reported in any of the included studies.



The Supera® stent showed promising results for the endovascular treatment of the femoropopliteal sector, highlighting its performance in high-complexity anatomic patterns.


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How to Cite

Pinelo A, Loureiro L, Veterano C, Rocha H, Castro J, Machado R. Mid and long-term results of the Supera® stent in femoropopliteal obstructive disease: a comprehensive analysis of the literature. Angiol Cir Vasc [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];19(4):226-30. Available from: https://acvjournal.com/index.php/acv/article/view/556



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